My Journey Through Type 2 Diabetes As Well As My Blood Glucose Monitoring

I thought that I might develop type 2 diabetes.

My mother and grandmother both suffered from type 2 diabetes. I thought I was working too hard at the time my symptoms started to manifest at around 44. I found myself getting up to use the bathroom every hour. I was the head of a non-profit organization, and was working 40 to 60 hours during the week.

For the past 4 months, I suffered from the symptoms. Then it came to the point that I felt tired and very sick. I was so tired and miserable that I needed to see a doctor.

My doctor did an exam of the body. He get more info also assessed my blood pressure. My A1c was 12%. This was far higher than what is normal. My doctor told me, "If I continue to pursue this route, I'm going to do the most damage to my self." It is time to change your lifestyle and get fit.

I was already fairly healthy, despite working too much. My diet and exercise was the primary focus of my first 3 months. To help him see the changes I have to make to my eating habits My doctor asked that I keep a food diary. He also gave me instruction to exercise more. My A1c was currently at 10% when I came back three months later.

Stay tuned for more on my journey, my questions, and the resources I discovered that have helped me manage my Type 2 Diabetes.

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